איך להפוך למתנדב
Our country, Israel, is a humane, democratic, legal state that cares for the rights and needs of all its citizens and residents. Our mission is to help the citizens and residents of Israel to learn about their rights and to enjoy them, making legal education accessible, and the activities of state institutions transparent.
• More than a million Israelis receive assistance from the National Insurance Service (Bituach Leumi) and other social security agencies. Many Israeli are overlooked by these institutions, despite their need for assistance. All of them are potential beneficiaries of our organization. It should be noted that although Magen Mishpacha has been working mainly in the interests of immigrants from the former Soviet Union, today our experience and methods are relevant for any Israeli citizen.
• We have a broad audience – meaning all current and potential Israeli citizens, who desire that their relations with state agencies as well as the bureaucratic procedures which they undergo, were more transparent, understandable, consistent, and effective.
• We work with various government officials and decision-makers, including members of the Knesset and agencies such as ministries, municipalities, educational institutions, and others. Our organization promotes successful interactions by citizens with these institutions and helps to simplify decision-making that facilitates the lives of these individuals.
• “Magen Mishpacha” cooperates closely with such organizations as “Yedid” (legal aid and advice for our clients), “Kav Le Oved” (labor law issues), “HaPensia Shelanu” (pension rights) and “Maabora” (the issue of providing citizens with municipal housing).
We have helped hundreds of Israeli citizens who have found themselves in difficult situations.
Such situations include unfounded withdrawal of children from families, arbitrary decisions made by local authorities with regard to new immigrants, abuse by unscrupulous officials, manipulative behavior towards the senior citizens; various conflict situations and / or inconsistent actions of the public health system, social security, educational institutions, and other authorities.
There are many such stories, and each of our clients has their own pain and their own success story. We provide assistance in cases when state institutions are not providing prompt and appropriate solutions. Our organization engages in coordinating the activities of various institutions while at the same time, providing moral and physical support to the distressed citizens.
• According to an official in Israel, "When Magen Mishpacha becomes involved, relations between civil servants and citizens become more trusting, and signs of mutual understanding begin to emerge”.
Magen Mishpacha is highly respected by the citizens of Israel. We have cooperated with such members of the Knesset as Marina Solodkina (deceased), Yossi Yona, Michal Rozin and others. Our organization is recognized by professional committees of various state institutions and also by the courts.. (leave out the example – you have “Success Stories for this)
Feedback from civil servants and government officials:
• Robert Tivyaev, a member of the Knesset (in an interview to the Israeli 9th TV channel), "The system often forgets about a concrete person, and Magen Mishpacha fills this niche."
• A juvenile court judge, "… we put a family under the supervision of Magen Mishpacha, and the result was much better than expected."